I am wondering if CBD oils can help with my compications - 49 yrold Female Caucasian - A) Back Pain: Three permanent back injuries all sustained in Car accidents -1) Cervical at6/7 2) mid Back Thoracic (bra line level) 3) Lower Thoracic/Upper Lumbar (low Back) B) recently diagnosed with fiber mayalgia I am sensitive (vomiting, nausea, dizziness) to almost all pain meds - especially narcotics. I have obtained the Medical Marijuana Card - but smoking is also not my game - I don t like the THC effects so they recommended the CBD oil. I have tried it - it does seem to keep the pain at bay. With the injuries I have, I have developed a high pain tolerance - however was taking 16-24 200mg Advil - stopped that and dealt with the pain - but I need to know - if the CBD oil seems to work - what will be, if any, physical complications by using it? For example liver, stomach, kidney, or other deteriation that could occur. Thank you for your time! ....Kat